Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Ok so I know its not Thursday yet but EEEPPPP!! Its been a crazy busy week leading up to the HUMP of Wednesday.

So first of all take a look to the <<== LEFT and see my new Etsy shop is officially Open For   Business!!  I am so happy. Please go take a look. I will be working on more product placement but for now I'm OPEN. Phew. 

Second......I've been asked to showcase my shop at The Washington County Fair.                                                                              
I realize for many of you that means nothing....but to me it means so much. That is the county I grew up in and that is the annual fair that I, along with just about everyone I knew, looked forward to and attended each year. Every night there is usually a very well known country artist singing. There are truck pulls and tractor pulls. There are livestock competitions. There is great food made by local restaurants and people. There are rides and games for all. There are so many vendors, all of whom are creators. Handmade everything. Wood carvers, jewelry makers, tshirts, every kind of craft you can think of. Its an awesome place and I feel so incredibly blessed to have a spot. If I could say that any one place or experience ever made me want to have my own shop and create my own things this would be it. I have spent many hours of my life walking around this fair admiring the skill and talent people possess and learning that yes it takes guts to put yourself out there through your creations but the reward of having people admire your work is worth it.

Its been a rough year for the Mr. and I financially but I am finally starting to feel like something good is happening and our lives can begin to move forward again. My business will grow. It has to start somewhere.

I must create a system or be enslaved by another mans; I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.

Until tomorrow Happy Creating! 


  1. Yahoo! Congratulations on both counts!

  2. Thanks Nicole :) I'm so excited. I dont know if I've used that word enough this week hehe ;) xo
